Join Jamie for High Holiday Services in Las Vegas!

If you are looking for something different for the upcoming High Holidays, please join me and Congregation P’nai Tikvah in Las Vegas where I will be co-leading the services.

High Holidays – Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur 

High Holiday Services and Programs – A sweet New Year is sweeter WITH YOU!  The High Holidays are just around the corner. Join us for our profound, meaningful Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur Services.  We offer our services for FREE, to the public, but deeply appreciate your optional donations so that we can continue to serve the community with our religious and educational programs.

Featuring: Rabbi Yocheved Mintz, Cantor Marla Goldberg, and Rabbinic Intern Jamie Hyams, along with the Congregation’s choir “Voices of Hope” under the direction of Dr. Ellen Royer with musical accompaniment by William Chenoweth for a deeply spiritual, reflective, and meaningful program. Jeremy Woolstenhume, cellist with the LV Philharmonic and the orchestra director for Hyde Park Middle School will accompany the religious services on Kol Nidre.  

RSVP REQUIRED!  Call (702) 436-4900 or please see:

About Congregation P’nai Tikvah

P’nai Tikvah translates as “Faces of Hope.” Serving the broad Las Vegas Jewish Community (we have members from Henderson, Green Valley, Summerlin, North Las Vegas, and greater Las Vegas), Congregation P’nai Tikvah is a warm, welcoming spiritual home for all who are seeking a meaningful Jewish life—blending creativity and innovation with tradition.

With a foundation deriving practice from the progressive Reconstructionist and Renewal movements, Judaism is seen as an evolving civilization—a relevant, meaningful way of life that is rich with tradition—where the past has a vote, but not a veto.


Women’s Rituals to Support Times in Our Lives Today: Weddings, Adoption, Miscarriage, Fertility and Abortion

Join with the Congregation Beth Emek Sisterhood for an evening exploring women’s rituals to support the modern lives we lead today.  What is different today from the past that has led to the need for something new?  We will consider rituals for weddings, adoption, miscarriage, fertility and abortion.  How and why are these new rituals created and what is the thinking behind them?

When:  Thursday, October 19th, 2017

Where:  At a private home in San Ramon.  Ping me for the address and to RSVP.

Who:   This women’s evening is sponsored by the Beth Emek Sisterhood.  There is no charge to attend and you do not have to be a Beth Emek member.

Learning and discussion will be led by Jamie Hyams. Jamie is a third-year rabbinical student at the Academy of Jewish Religion in Los Angeles and she serves as the Rabbinic Intern at Congregation P’nai Tikvah in Las Vegas.